In to Gear - Gearbox fitted
We now have the gearbox in. Not without a saga though. Just as the old gearbox fought us all the way out this one wanted a fight before it would go in. If I ever meet the man from the Haynes manual who glibly says that refitting is the reverse of removal I will happily punch him in the mouth. Lifting the gearbox into place in the tight confines of the engine bay was relatively easy, and a little juggling got the input shaft settled onto the driveplate. With the help of my assistant Thomas locating the first two bolts the gearbox itself pulled nicely into place. The starter didn't want to go back in either, and resisted, but eventually yielded and bolted into place with two bolts, with the third strangely missing, even though we had pushed them through a piece of card and labelled them all - the spares we had acquired with the gearbox provided the long lower bolt that was absent. The gearbox mount and rear engine mount bolted up nicely with just a little jiggling required to align ...