Battery tray repair.

After a few days distracted by a Hyosung motorcycle taking up my time I have finally got round to welding in the metal sections I made up for the rusted out battery tray area on the Polo. Working within the confines of the plenum chamber proved a challenge, and as ever my welding is functional but not necessarily pretty. It improves after being dressed , but still won't win any prizes.

The tin worm had been particularly hungry, probably started by acid corrosion from a spilled battery not mopped up properly

For some reason the internet is always full of people showing off their cars, with plenty of interior and exterior shots, but relatively few of the engine bay, unless it's been show shined or modified. There are no pictures of VW Polo battery trays for a 1982 model. So, I have tried to replicate the original pressed steel panel and the sprung battery retainer, but was working to guess work as I had nothing to reference from, the original having totally rotted away. 

The end result though, once painted looks quite pleasing. 

The paint is RUSTINS Anti-Corrosion Metal Primer. It's the first time I've used this product and I expected it would be pretty much like any other red primer. It's not. It's like painting with treacle on a cold day. RUSTINS is, I imagine, what is specified for Nuclear Submarines. The paint layer is about 1/4 inch thick. And by a happy coincidence it is a very similar colour in photographs to the Polos body colour. It'll get a rattle can covering of the actual body colour tomorrow, but that's another job ticked off the list. Next - Gearbox swap.
